

Washington Post
Popular Science
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
The Critic Magazine
Shukan Shincho ( Tokyo)
Totally Housewares
Citizen Park Ridge
Evanston Review
Wilmette Life
Screen Magazine
Evanston Clarion
National Petroleum
News North
Shore Magazine

Celebrity Coverage

President Barak & Michelle Obama
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid
Michael and Juanita Jordan
Tina Turner
Kenny Rogers
James Taylor
For Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
For Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Various family events and parties
Concert coverage for Hanes Hosiery
Private concert, Chrysler Corporation
Private concert

Corporate / Industrial

Western Golf Association
ZS Associates
Civic Federation
Presbyterian Homes
Kraft Foods
Executive portraits for marketing
Annual Report
National (en masse) portraitue, marketing photos
Banquet Coverage
Marketing, brochure, news letter photography
Symposium Coverage


The Photographers' Gallery
Michael Hoppen Gallery
The Wapping Project Bankside
Daniel Blau
Atlas Gallery
One man exhibition
Group exhibtion
London Photo Society
One man exhibition
Interactive exhibtion
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